I am a associate professor in the Psychology Department at UC Davis. I study the neuroscience of social and emotional behavior in both humans and nonhuman primates. My research is focused on emotional and social decision-making and the development of social anxiety disorder. This page mostly consists of some tutorials and thoughts that I consider interesting. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments.
The Fox Lab has recieved grants for a number of ongoing projects, in addition to support from UC Davis and the California National Primate Research Center.
Here are some of the most recent grants to give you an idea of what we are working on.
Work from Fox was shown on the cover of the Biological Psychiatry special issue on Pediatric Anxiety Disorders.
The cover image is from a review by Kenwood & Kalin, that heavily draws from work done by Fox and colleagues. Much of this which began during Fox’s time in the Kalin …
Our feelings play a big role in our lives. Feelings help us choose, motivate our actions, and define our interactions with others. In this way, emotional tendencies define who we are now and who we are going to be in the future.
Our study aimed at understanding the mechanisms by which the risk of developing anxiety and depression is passed from parents to children, recieved attention from the press…
Some of my research was recently featured in international science grid this week (iSGTW), an international weekly online publication that covers distributed computing and the research it enables. In this article, they summarize some of the ideas that have motivated out labs efforts to understand the heritability of brian function …