Andrew S. Fox¶
Associate Professor University of California, Davis
- Fall 2005 - 2013, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ph.D. in Psychology
- Fall 2007 - Fall 2008, University of Zurich, Academic Guest with Prof. Dr. Ernst Fehr
- Fall 1999 - Winter 2002, University of Wisconsin-Madison, B.A. in Psychology
Awards and Fellowships¶
- Winter Conference on Brain Research, Travel Fellowship Award, 2017
- Society of Biological Psychiatrys 2014 Travel Fellowship Award
- Ann E. Kelley Fellowship in Behavioral Neuroscience Travel Award, 2012
- Human Brain Mapping 2009 Travel Award
- New York Academy of Sciences Travel Award - Linking Affect to Action: Critical Contributions of the Orbitofrontal Cortex, 2007
- Hertz Foundation Research Fellowship
- Hertz Foundation Travel Fellowship - Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting 2007
- NIMH Conference on Comparative and Primate Studies Fellow, July 2006-June 2007
- NSF Honorable Mention, National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 2006
- Multimodality Image of the Year, Siemens Preclinical Solutions Image of the Year competition. (Fig 1. Fox et al., 2005)**
- Hertz Foundation Research Fellowship
- Janssen-HealthEmotions Young Investigator Fellowship in Emotion Research, 2005
- NSF Honorable Mention, National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 2005
Committee Assignments in Professional Societies¶
- Head of the Psychology Department Biological Psychology Area (2022-Present)
- Consulting Editor at Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience (CABN)
- PRIMatE Data Exchange Global Collaboration Workshop, Advisor (2021; Section Leader 2020)
- American Psychological Foundation’s F.J McGuigan Dissertation Award, Review Committee, 2019-present
- 2017-2021 Society of Biological Psychiatry, Scientific Program Planning Committee
Presentations and Invited Talks¶
- “Leveraging Python for Analysis of Data”, 2024, Python User Group Meeting, Davis, CA
- “Individual Differences in Non-Human Primate Brain Structural and Functional Connectivity” 2024 Imaging Research Center Symposium, Davis, CA
- “Panel Discussion: Guiding Principles for Defining Cellular Subtypes in the Central Nervous System”, 2023 ASAP Collaborative Meeting, San Diego, CA
- “A Translational Neuroscience Approach to Understanding the Biological Basis of Psychopathology”, 2023 Stem Cell & Gene Therapy Seminar Series, University of California, Davis
- “The Neural Substrates and Computations Associated With Uncertain Threat Anticipation”, Symposium, Society of Biological Psychiatry, San Diego, CA, 2023
- “Progress Toward Engineered Viral Vectors for Brainwide Gene Transfer in Old World Primates”, ASAP Tech - NHP Models Interest Group, Virtual, 2023
- Reading Emotions, University of Reading, Berkshire, England (Virtual), 2022
- Interdisciplinary Ambitions: Women’s Mental Health from History to Neurobiology, 2021, Uppsala, Sweden
- Hackathon for Primate Neuroimaging, Virtual, 2021
- Computational Psychiatry Colloquium, UC Davis, 2021
- DataLab Python Workshop, Davis, 2020
- Hackathon for Primate Neuroimaging, London, 2019
- Knight Lab, UC Berkeley, 2019
- ASPIRE Symposium, UC Davis, 2019
- Psychology Graduate Student Organized Colloquium, UC Davis, 2019
- Hackathon for the Configurable Pipeline for the Analysis of Connectomes (CPAC), 2019
- Social Affective Neuroscience Society Meeting, 2019
- Mechanisms of Learning Meeting 2019, Emory University
- Behavioral Social Neuroscience Seminar, Caltech, 2018
- University of California, San Francisco, Pollen Lab, 2018
- Society of Biological Psychiatry, Annual Meeting 2017, Symposium (& Co-Chair)
- Winter Conference on Brain Research, 2017
- Nonhuman Primate Chemogenetics Meeting, 2016
- NIDA-NIAAA Neuroscience Cutting Edge Seminar series, 2016
- Society for Neuroscience, 2016, Nano-Symposium (Upcoming; Session Chair)
- Lorentz Center, Workshop on “Endophenotypes of Social Anxiety Disorder: Can We Detect Them and Are They Useful in Clinical Practice?” Leiden, Netherlands
- Neurogenetics & Behavior of Nonhuman Primates Meeting at Cold Spring Harbor, 2015
- Cambridge University, Psychology Department, 2015
- Society for Neuroscience, 2015, Nanosymposium
- Society of Biological Psychiatry, Annual Meeting 2015, Symposium (& Co-Chair)
- American College of Neuropharmacology (ACNP), 2014, Data Blitz
- American College of Neuropharmacology (ACNP), 2014, Study Panel (in Place of Ned Kalin)
- Society for Neuroscience, 2014, Symposium (in place of Richard Davidson)
- Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology Cornell Weill Medical College. 2014
- Deisseroth Lab at Stanford, 2014
- Society of Biological Psychiatry, Annual Meeting 2014, Symposium
- American College of Neuropharmacology (ACNP), 2013, Panel Session
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference, 2013
- Neurogenetics & Behavior of Nonhuman Primates Meeting at Cold Spring Harbor, 2013
- Society of Biological Psychiatry, Annual Meeting 2013, Symposium
- Society for Neuroscience, 2013, Nano-Symposium
- American College of Neuropharmacology (ACNP), 2012, Panel Session
- Human Brain Mapping (HBM), 2009
- Scientific programming for psychologists, 2017-present
- Biological Psychology, 2017-present
- Emotion, 2016-present
- Guest Lecturer, Edgewood College, 2013-14, Economic Decision-Making
- Guest Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012, Neurobiology of Emotion
- Teacher, ACE Computer Camp, 2000
- Academic Director, ACE Computer Camp, 2000
Training Courses¶
- FSL & FreeSurfer Course - July 18-22, 2005
- Matlab Fundamentals and Programming Techniques, Feb 17-19 2003
General Computer Skills¶
- Proficient with Macintosh, Windows, and Unix/Linux.
- Experienced in System Administration for Macintosh, Windows, Unix/Linux.
- Experienced with Web-Design and Web-Administration.
- Familiar with many programs such as the Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Final Cut Pro, SPSS and many more.
- Efficient Programmer in Python, Java, C++, C, JavaScript, Matlab, Perl, and E-Prime.
Professional Experience¶
- 2016 - Present, Associate Professor, University of California, Davis, Psychology
- 2016 - Present, Core Scientist in Neuroscience & Behavior, California National Primate Center
- 2019 – Present, University of California, Davis, Computational Social Science, Affiliate Faculty
- 2018 – Present, University of California, Davis, DataLab Affiliate Scientist
- 2016 - 2022, Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis, Psychology
- 2016 - 2016, Assistant Scientist, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Psychiatry
- Fall 2013 - 2016, Continuation Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Psychiatry
- Fall 2005 - Fall 2013, Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduate Research Assistant
- Winter 2003 - Fall 2005, Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Associate Research Specialist
Permision to use these files is granted for personal use only. Please do not distribute.-
Fox AS, Shackman AJ (2024). An Honest Reckoning With the Amygdala and Mental Illness. American Journal of Psychiatry. 181:12
Kamboj S, Calrson EL, Ander BP, Hanson KL, Murray KD, Fudge JL, Bauman MD, Schumann CM, Fox AS (2024). Translational Insights from Cell-type variation across Amygdala Subnuclei in Rhesus Monkeys and Humans. American Journal of Psychiatry. 181:12
- Campos LJ, Drzewiecki CM, Fox AS (2024). Insights into the neurobiology of Behavioral Inhibition from Nonhuman Primate models. Springer Series in Behavioral Neuroscience. New discoveries in the brain sciences of fear and anxiety: from basic to clinical neuroscience. Blackford JU & Milad M (Eds.)
Shackman AJ, Grogans SE, Fox AS (2024). Fear, anxiety and the functional architecture of the human central extended amygdala. Nature Reviews Neuroscience.
Grogans SE, Hur J, Barstead M, Anderson A, Islam S, Kim HC, Kuhn M, Tillman R, Fox AS, Smith J, DeYoung K, Shackman AJ (2024). Neuroticism/negative emotionality is associated with increased reactivity to uncertain threat in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, not the amygdala. Journal of Neuroscience. 44(32):e1868232024
Holley D, Varga EA, Boorman ED, Fox AS (2024). Temporal Dynamics of Uncertainty Cause Anxiety and Avoidance. Computational Psychiatry. 8(1): 85–91
Drzewiecki CM, Fox AS (2024). Understanding the heterogeneity of anxiety using a translational neuroscience approach. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. 24:228–245
Holley D*, Campos LJ*, Zhang Y, Capitanio JP, Fox AS (2024). Rhesus Infant Nervous Temperament Predicts Peri-Adolescent Central Amygdala Metabolism & Behavioral Inhibition Measured by a Machine-Learning Approach. Translational Psychiatry. 14:148
Tromp DPM, Fox AS, Riedel MK, Oler JA, Zhou X, Roseboom PH, Alexander AL, Kalin NH (2024). Early life adversity in primates: Behavioral, endocrine, and neural effects. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 162, 106953
Kenwood MM, Souaiaia T, Kovner R, Fox AS, French DA, Oler JA, Roseboom PH, Riedel MK, Mueller SAL, Kalin NH (2023). Gene expression in the primate orbitofrontal cortex related to anxious temperament. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120 (49) e2305775120
Wright EC, Zakharenkov HC, Godoy AS, Lake A, Prince ZD, Sekar S, Culkin HI, Luo PX, Ramirez AV, Dwyer T, Kapoor A, Corbett C, Tian L, Fox AS, Trainor BC (2023). Sexual differentiation of neural mechanisms of stress sensitivity during puberty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120 (43) e2306475120
Kim HC, Kaplan CM, Islam S, Anderson AS, Piper ME, Bradford DE, Curtin JJ, DeYoung KA, Smith JF, Fox AS, Shackman AJ (2023). Acute nicotine abstinence amplifies subjective withdrawal symptoms and threat-evoked fear and anxiety, but not extended amygdala reactivity. PLoS One. 18(7): e0288544
Chen X, Wolfe DA, Dhanesh Sivadasan Bindu DS, Zhang M, Naz Taskin N, David Goertsen D, Shay TF, Sullivan EE, Huang S-F, Kumar SR, Arokiaraj CM, Viktor M. Plattner VM, Lillian J. Campos LJ, Mich JK, Monet D, Ngo V, Ding X, Omstead V, Weed N, Bishaw Y, Gore BB, Lein ES, Akrami A, Miller C, Levi BP, Keller A, Ting JT, Fox AS, Eroglu C, Gradinaru V (2023). Functional gene delivery to adn across brain vasculature of systemic AAVs with endothelial-specific tropism in rodents and broad tropism in primates. Nature Communicatoins. 14(1):3345
Grogans SE, Bliss-Moreau E, Buss KA, Clark LA, Fox AS, Keltner D, Cowen AS, Kim JJ, Kragel PA, MacLeod C, Mobbs D, Naragon-Gainey K, Fullana MA, Shackman AJ (2023). The Nature and Neurobiology of Fear and Anxiety: State of the Science and Opportunities for Accelerating Discovery. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 151:105237
Campos LJ, Arokiaraj CM, Chuapoco MR, Chen X, Goeden N, Gradinaru V, Fox AS (2023). Advances in AAV technology for delivering genetically encoded cargo to the nonhuman primate nervous system. Current Research in Neurobiology. 4:100086
Chuapoco MR*, Flytzanis NC*, Goeden N*, Octeau JC, Roxas KM, Chan KY, Scherrer J, Winchester J, Blackburn RJ, Campos LJ, Man NKM, Sun J, Chen X, Lefevre A, Singh VP, Arokiaraj CM, Shay TF, Vendemiatti J, Jang MJ, Mich J, Bishaw Y, Gore B, Omstead V, Taskin N, Weed N, Levi BP, Ting J, Miller CT, Deverman BE, Pickel J, Tian L, Fox AS, Gradinaru V (2023). Adeno-associated viral vectors for functional intravenous gene transfer throughout the non-human primate brain. Nature Nanotechnology. 18, 1241–1251
Kenwood MM, Oler JA, Tromp DPM, Fox AS, Riedel MK, Roseboom PH, Brunner KG, Aggarwal N, Murray EA, Kalin NH (2023). Prefrontal influences on the function of the neural circuitry underlying anxious temperament in primates. Oxford Open Neuroscience. 2:kvac016
Holley D, Fox AS (2022). Selecting Anxiety: The Central Extended Amygdala as an Arbiter of Emotion-Relevant Responses. Neurobehavioral individual differences - A transdisciplinary approach to advancing clinical science. In Press
Holley D, Fox AS (2022). The central extended amygdala guides survival-relevant tradeoffs: Implications for understanding common psychiatric disorders. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 142:104879
Chen X, Kumar SR, Adams CD, Yang D, Wang T, Wolfe DA, Arokiaraj CM, Ngo V, Campos LJ, Griffiths JA, Ichiki T, Mazmanian SK, Osborne PB, Keast JR, Miller CT, Fox AS, Chiu IM, Gradinaru V (2022). Engineered AAVs for non-invasive gene delivery to rodent and non-human primate nervous systems. Neuron. 110, 1–16
Grogans SE, Fox AS, & Shackman AJ (2022). The Amygdala and Depression: A Sober Reconsideration. American Journal of Psychiatry. 179(7):454–457
Hur J, Kuhn M, Grogans SE, Anderson AS, Islam S, Kim, HC, Tillman RM, Fox AS, Smith JF, DeYoung KA, & Shackman AJ (2022). Anxiety-Related Frontocortical Activity Is Associated With Dampened Stressor Reactivity in the Real World. Psychological Science. 33(6):906-924
Fox AS, Harris RA, Del Rosso L, Raveendran M, Kamboj S, Kinnally EL, Capitanio JP, Rogers J (2021). Infant Inhibited Temperament in Primates Predicts Adult Behavior, is Heritable, and is Associated with Anxiety-Relevant Genetic Variation. Molecular Psychiatry. 26:6609-6618
Roseboom PH, Mueller SAL, Oler JA, Fox AS, Riedel MK, Elam VR, Olsen ME, Gomez JL, Boehm MA, DiFilippo AH, Christian BT, Michaelides M, Kalin NH (2021). Evidence in primates supporting the use of chemogenetics for the treatment of human refractory neuropsychiatric disorders. Molecular Therapy. 29(12):3484-3497
Wang X, Li XH, Cho JW, Russ BE, Rajamani N, Omelchenko A, Ai L, Korchmaros A, Sawiak S, Benn RA, Garcia-Saldivar P, Wang Z, Kalin NH, Schroeder CE, Craddock RC, Fox AS, Evans AC, Messinger A, Milham MP, Xu T (2021). U-Net Model for Brain Extraction: Trained on Humans for Transfer to Non-human Primates. Neuroimage. 235(15):118001
Klink PC, Aubry J-F, Ferrera V, Fox AS, Froudist-Walsh S, Jarray B, Konofagou E, Krauzlis R, Messinger A, Mitchell AS, Ortiz-Rios M, Oya H, Roberts AC, Roe AW, Rushworth MFS, Sallet J, Schmid MC, Schroeder CE, Tasserie J, Tsao D, Uhrig L, Vanduffel W, Wilke M, Kagan I, & Petkov CI (2021). Combined Brain Perturbation and Neuroimaging in Non-human Primates. Neuroimage. 235(15):118017
Poirier C, Hamed SB, Garcia-Saldivar P, Kwok SC, Meguerditchian A, Merchant H, Rogers J, Wells S, Fox AS (2021). Beyond MRI: on the scientific value of combining non-human primate neuroimaging with metadata.. Neuroimage. 228:117679
Shackman AJ, Fox AS (2021). Two decades of anxiety neuroimaging research: New insights and a look to the future.. American Journal of Psychiatry. 178(2):106-109
Fox AS, Holley D, Klink PC, Arbuckle SA, Barnes CA, Diedrichsen J, Kwok SC, Kyle C, Pruszynski JA, Seidlitz J, Zhou X, Poldrack RA, Gorgolewski KJ (2021). Sharing voxelwise neuroimaging results from rhesus monkeys and other species with Neurovault.. Neuroimage. 225:117518
Hur J, Smith JF, DeYoung KA, Anderson AS, Kuang J, Kim HC, Tillman RM, Kuhn M, Fox AS, & Shackman AJ (2020). Anxiety and the neurobiology of temporally uncertain threat anticipation. Journal of Neuroscience. 40 (41) 7949-7964
Kovner R, Souaiaia T, Fox AS, French DA, Goss CE, Roseboom PH, Oler JA, Riedel M, Fekete E, Fudge JL, Knowles JA, Kalin NH (2020). Transcriptional Profiling of Primate Central Nucleus of the Amygdala Neurons to Understand the Molecular Underpinnings of Early Life Anxious Temperament. Biological Psychiatry. 88(8):638-648
The PRIMatE Data Exchange (PRIME-DE) Global Collaboration Workshop and Consortium (2020). Accelerating the Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Neuroimaging. Neuron. 105(4):600-603
Fox AS*, Souaiaia T*, Oler JA, Kovner R, Mun J, Nguyen J, French DA, Riedel M, Fekete E, Rabska MR, Olsen ME, Brodsky EK, Alexander AL, Block WF, Roseboom PH, Knowles JA, Kalin NH (2019). Dorsal amygdala neurotrophin-3 decreases anxious temperament in primates. Biological Psychiatry. 12(15):881-889
Tromp DPM, Fox AS, Oler JA, Alexander AL, Kalin NH (2019). The Relationship Between the Uncinate Fasciculus and Anxious Temperament Is Evolutionarily Conserved and Sexually Dimorphic. Biological Psychiatry. 12(15): 890-898
Golub MS, Hogrefe CE, Campos LJ, Fox AS (2019). Serotonin transporter (SERT) binding potentials in brain of juvenile monkeys one year after discontinuation of a two-year treatment with fluoxetine. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. 4(11): 948–955
Hur J, Stockbridge MD, Fox AS, Shackman AJ (2019). Dispositional negativity, cognition, and anxiety disorders: An integrative translational neuroscience framework. Progress in Brain Research. 247
Tromp DPM, Williams LE, Fox AS, Oler JA, Roseboom PH, Rogers GM, Benson BE, Alexander AL, Pine DS, Kalin NH (2019). Uncinate Fasciculus Microstructure in Childhood Anxiety Disorders is Altered in Boys but not Girls. American Journal of Psychiatry. 176(3):208-216
Kovner R, Fox AS, French DA, Roseboom PH, Oler JA, Fudge JL, Kalin NH (2019). Somatostatin Gene and Protein Expression in the Non-human Primate Central Extended Amygdala. Neuroscience. 400:157-168
Fox AS*, Shackman AJ* (2019). The central extended amygdala in fear and anxiety: Closing the gap between mechanistic and neuroimaging research. Neuroscience Letters. 693:58-67
Heller AS, Fox AS, Davidson RJ (2019). Parsing Affective Dynamics to Identify Risk for Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Emotion. 19(2):283-291
Hur J, Tillman RM, Fox AS, Shackman AJ (2019). The value of clinical and translational neuroscience approaches to psychiatric illness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 42, e11
Hur J, Kaplan CM, Smith JF, Bradford DE, Fox AS, Curtin JJ, Shackman AJ (2018). Acute alcohol administration dampens threat-related activation in the central extended amygdala. Scientific Reports. 12;8(1):16702
Fox AS*, Oler JA*, Birn RM, Shackman AJ, Alexander AL, & Kalin, NH (2018). Functional connectivity within the primate extended amygdala is heritable and associated with early-life anxious temperament. Journal of Neuroscience. 29;38(35):7611-7621
Shackman AJ*, Fox AS* (2018). Getting Serious about Variation: Lessons for Clinical Neuroscience (A Commentary on The Myth of Optimality in Clinical Neuroscience). Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 22(5):368-369
Tillman RM, Stockbridge MD, Nacewicz BM, Torrisi S, Fox AS, Smith JF, Shackman AJ (2018). Intrinsic functional connectivity of the central extended amygdala. Human Brain Mapping. 39(3):1291-1312
Fox AS (2018). The brain is organized to emote. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Fox AS*, Lapate RC, Davidson RJ & Shackman AJ* (2018). Epilogue—The nature of emotion: A research agenda for the 21st century. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Fox AS (2018). On the significance of implicit emotional communication. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Okon-Singer H, Stout DM, Stockbridge MD, Gamer M, Fox AS & Shackman AJ (2018). The interplay of emotion and cognition. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Shackman AJ, Stockbridge MD, LeMay EP, & Fox AS (2018). The psychological and neurobiological bases of dispositional negativity. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Fox AS & Lapate RC (2018). Afterword: How are emotions integrated into choice. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Fox AS & Lapate RC (2018). Afterword: When and in what ways are emotions adaptive and maladaptive. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Fox AS & Shackman AJ (2018). Afterword: How are emotions physically embodied. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Fox AS & Shackman AJ (2018). Afterword: How are emotions embodied in the social world. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Lapate RC & Fox AS (2018). Afterword: How and why are emotions communicated. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Lapate RC & Fox AS (2018). Afterword: What is the role of conscious awareness in emotion. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Shackman AJ & Fox AS (2018). Afterword: How are emotions organized in the brain. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Shackman AJ & Fox AS (2018). Afterword: What are the dimensions and bases for lasting individual differences in emotion. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
- Shackman AJ, Lapate RC & Fox AS (2018). Afterword: How are emotions, mood, and temperament related. In Fox AS, Lapate RC, Shackman AJ & Davidson RJ (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions (2nd edition). New York: Oxford University Press
Shackman AJ, Weinstein J, Hudja SN, Bloomer C, Barstead MG, Fox AS & Lemay EP, Jr. (2018). Dispositional negativity in the wild: Social context governs momentary emotional experience. Emotion. 18(5):707-724
Shackman AJ*, Fox AS*, Oler JA, Shelton SE, Oakes TR, Davidson RJ, & Kalin, NH (2017). Heightened extended amygdala metabolism following threat characterizes the early phenotypic risk to develop anxiety-related psychopathology. Molecular Psychiatry. 22(5):724-732
Oler JA*, Tromp DPM*, Fox AS, Kovner R, Davidson RJ, Alexander AL, MacFarlin D, Birn R, Berg B, de Campo D, Fudge JL, & Kalin NH (2017). Brain Structure and Function. . 222(1):21-39
Shackman AJ*, Fox AS* (2016). Contributions of the central extended amygdala to fear and anxiety. Journal of Neuroscience. 36(31):8050-8063
Shackman AJ, Tromp DPM, Stockbridge MD, Kaplan CM, Tillman RM, & Fox AS (2016). Dispositional negativity: An integrative psychological and neurobiological perspective. Psychological Bulletin. 142(12):1275-1314
- Shackman AJ, Kaplan CM, Stockbridge MD, Tillman RM, Tromp DPM, Fox AS, Gamer M (2016). The neurobiology of dispositional negativity and attentional biases to threat: Implications for understanding anxiety disorders in adults and youth. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology. 7(3):311-342
Kalin NH, Fox AS, Kovner R, Riedel MK, Feketa EM, Roseboom PH, Tromp DPM, Grabow BP, Brodsky EK, Olsen ME, Alexander AL, Emborg ME, Block WF, Fudge JL, Oler JA (2016). Overexpressing Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) in the primate amygdala increases anxious temperament and alters its neural circuit. Biological Psychiatry. 80(5):345-55
Oler JA, Fox AS, Shackman AJ, Kalin NH (2016). The Central Nucleus of the Amygdala is a Critical Substrate for Individual Differences in Anxiety. Living without an amygdala (Amaral DG, Bauman M, & Adolphs R, Eds.). Guilford Press. 2016
Oler JA*, Tromp DPM*, Fox AS, Kovner R, Davidson RJ, Alexander AL, MacFarlin D, Birn R, Berg B, de Campo D, Fudge JL, & Kalin NH (2016). Connectivity between the central nucleus of the amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the non-human primate: neuronal tract tracing and developmental neuroimaging studies. Brain Structure and Function. 222(1):21-39
Fox AS, Oler JA, Shackman AJ, Shelton SE, Raveendran M, McKay DR, Converse AK, Alexander AL, Davidson RJ, Blangero J, Rogers J, & Kalin NH (2015). Intergenerational neural mediators of early-life anxious temperament. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112(29):9118-9122
Fox AS, Oler JA, Tromp DPM, Fudge J, & Kalin NH (2015). Extending the amygdala in theories of threat processing. Trends in Neurosciences. 38(5)
Heller AS, Fox AS, Wing EK, Mayer K, Vack NJ, Davidson RJ (2015). The neurodynamics of affect in the laboratory predicts persistence of real-world emotional responses. The Journal of Neuroscience. 35(29):10503–10509
Weng HY, Fox AS, Hessenthaler HC, Stodola DE, Davidson RJ (2015). The role of compassion in altruistic helping and punishment behavior. PLoS One. 10(12): e0143794
Kennis M, van Rooij SJH, Tromp DPM, Fox AS, Rademaker AR, Kahn RS, Kalin NH, Geuze E (2015). Dorsal cingulum differences related to treatment outcome in PTSD: A longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging study. Neuropsychopharmacology. 40(10):2434-42
Williams LE, Oler JA, Fox AS, McFarlin DR, Rogers GM, Davidson RJ, Pine DS, Jesson MAL, Kalin NH (2015). Fear of the Unknown: Uncertain Anticipation Reveals Amygdala Alterations in Childhood Anxiety Disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology. 40:1428-1435
Shackman AJ, Fox AS, Seminowicz DA (2015). The cognitive-emotional brain: Opportunitvnies and challenges for understanding neuropsychiatric disorders. (Commentary on: Précis on The Cognitive-Emotional Brain). Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 2015
Roseboom PH, Nanda SA, Fox AS, Oler JA, Shackman AJ, Shelton SE, Davidson RJ, Kalin NH (2014). Neuropeptide Y Receptor Gene Expression in the Primate Amygdala Predicts Anxious Temperament and Brain Metabolism. Biological Psychiatry. 76(11):850-857
Alisch RS, Chopra P, Fox AS, Chen K, White ATJ, Roseboom PH, Keles S, Kalin NH (2014). Differentially methylated plasticity genes in the amygdala of young primates are linked to anxious temperament, an at risk phenotype for anxiety and depressive disorders. Journal of Neuroscience. 34(47):15548-15556
Fox AS & Kalin NH (2014). A Translational Neuroscience Approach to Understanding the Development of Social Anxiety Disorder and Its Pathophysiology. American Journal of Psychiatry. 171(11):1162–1173
Birn RM*, Shackman AJ*, Oler JA, Williams LE, McFarlin DR, Rogers GM, Shelton SE, Alexander AL, Pine P, Slattery MJ, Davidson RJ, Fox AS, Kalin NH (2014). Evolutionarily-conserved prefrontal-amygdalar dysfunction in early-life anxiety. Molecular Psychiatry. 1-8
Tomer R, Slagter HA, Christian BT, Fox AS, King CR, Murali D, Gluck MA, Davidson RJ (2014). Love to win or hate to lose? Asymmetry of dopamine D2 receptor binding predicts sensitivity to reward vs. punishment. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 26(5):1039-48
Shackman AJ*, Fox AS*, Oler JA, Shelton SE, Davidson RJ, Kalin NH (2013). Neural mechanisms underlying heterogeneity in the presentation of anxious temperament. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120(15):6145-6150
Tomer R, Slagter HA, Christian BT, Fox AS, King CR, Murali D, Davidson RJ (2013). Dopamine asymmetries predict orienting bias in healthy individuals. Cerebral Cortex. 23(12):2899-904
Weng HY, Fox AS, Shackman AJ, Stodola DE, Caldwell JK, Olson MC, Rogers GM, Davidson RJ (2013). Compassion training alters altruism and neural responses to suffering. Psychological Science. 24(7):1171-1180
Oler JA, Birn RM, Patriat R, Fox AS, Shelton SE, Burghy CA, Stodola DE, Essex MJ, Davidson RJ, Kalin NH (2012). Evidence for coordinated functional activity within the extended amygdala of non-human and human primates. Neuroimage. 61(4):1059-1066
Slagter HA, Tomer R, Christian BT, Fox AS Colzato LS, King CR, Murali D, Davidson RJ (2012). PET evidence for a role for striatal dopamine in the attentional blink: Functional implications. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 24(9):1932-40
Rogers J, Raveendran M, Fawcett GL, Fox AS, Oler JA, Cheverud J, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Davidson RJ, Kalin NH (2012). CRHR1 genotypes, neural circuits and the diathesis for anxiety and depression. Molecular Psychiatry. Advance Online Publication: 1–8
Fox AS, Oler JA, Shelton SE, Nanda SA, Davidson RJ, Roseboom PH, Kalin NH (2012). Central amygdala nucleus (Ce) gene expression linked to increased trait-like Ce metabolism and anxious temperament in young primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109(44):18108–18113
Shackman AJ*, Salomons TV*, Slagter HA, Fox AS, Davidson RJ (2011). The integration of negative affect, pain and cognitive control in the cingulate cortex. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 12, 154-167
Adluru N, Zhang H, Fox AS, Shelton SE, Ennis CM, Bartosic AM, Oler JA, Tromp DPM, Zakszewski E, Gee JC, Kalin NH, Alexander AL (2011). A Diffusion Tensor Brain Template for Rhesus Macaques. Neuroimage. 59(1):306:318
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Pizzagalli DA, Oakes TR, Fox AS, Chung MK, Larson CL, Abercrombie HC, Schaefer SM, Benca RM, Davidson RJ (2004). Functional but not structural subgenual prefrontal cortex abnormalities in melancholia. Molecular Psychiatry. 9, 393-405